Yoga Nidra for Patients & Caregivers

Yoga Nidra for ALS Caregivers

Yoga Nidra for ALS Caregivers

Caring for a loved one with ALS can be profoundly challenging and exhausting. Take this time to relax, clarify your intention, energize neglected areas of your body, breathe and connect to a deeper level of consciousness, so you can heal and renew your focus for the week ahead.

Yoga Nidra: the art of conscious relaxation.

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Yoga Nidra for Addiction

Yoga Nidra for Addiction

Whether you are recovering from addiction, or you are supporting a friend, family member who is recovering from addiction, it is important to take time for yourself to relax, set an intention, energize your body, breathe, and tap into your deeper levels of consciousness.

Yoga Nidra: the art of conscious relaxation.

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